
September 2016

Math success lab is available most days after school from 2:30-3:00 and is open to all students on the house. Thursday and Friday help is available from 2:30-3:25. We will meet in room 214. Students need permission from a parent and will need to let the office know if they are taking the late bus. Students can also get additional help during lunch on weekdays M-Th.

This year the Milton Middle School will be using the Eureka Math Program.

Students on Team Falcon will see less homework this year than they did in past years. One of the reasons for this decision is based on current research around homework and information that I have learned about in a couple of the classes that I’m taking. 
“Large research studies have shown that the presence or absence of homework has minimal or no effects on achievement (Challenge Success, 2012) and that homework leads to significant inequities (Program for International Assessment, 2015), yet homework plays a large negative role in the lives of many parents and children. Research also shows that the only time homework is effective is when students are given a worthwhile learning experience, not worksheets of practice problems, and when homework is seen not as a norm, but as an occasional opportunity to offer a meaningful task” (Boaler, 2016). 

As a result of this information homework will at times focus on group problem solving. Students will collaborate with other students to solve problems via Google Classroom. 
At other times homework will involve reflecting on what is happening in class and how they are feeling about concepts they are working on and identifying what additional support they might need if any to help them to feel more secure about the concepts. Other times students will be  asked to be "Math Medics." Students will be given a task that is solved incorrectly and their job is to find the problem and then make recommendations for correcting the problem. 

Boaler, Jo, and Carol Dweck S. Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages, and Innovative Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass & Pfeiffer Imprints, 2016. Print.

What Is Happening in Class?

Grade 6 Math

The first unit will be on ratios and unit rates. Students will be learning to compare ratios and rates through the use of tables, graphs, equations.


Please check student planner for updates on homework.

Grade 7 Math

The first unit will be on understanding proportional relationships. Students will be looking at proportionality through tables, graphs, and equations. They will also be working on scale drawings and looking at how the area of a figure changes as the scale factor increases or decreases.


Please check student planner for updates on homework.

Grade 8 Math

The first unit will be on integer exponents and learning to read, write, and solve problems involving really large and small numbers through the use of scientific notation.

Grade 8 students will be working in groups this week with students from Team Quicksilver to problem solve. Students will be using Google Classroom to collaborate. Please do not assist your child in the process as it is a collaborate effort between their peers.

Please check student planner for updates on homework.

Star Math Assessment Web Link

Web address: