Sunday, November 9, 2014

Geology Field Trip

This week, House C students will travel by bus to visit Lone Rock Point and the Perkins Geology Museum at UVM. The purpose of this field trip is to collect and interpret geologic evidence of ancient environments in the Champlain Valley. Students will also have the opportunity to tour parts of the UVM campus.

Half of our students will attend this field trip on Wednesday 11/12, and the other half will attend on 11/13. On both days, we will leave school at 8:00AM and return around 1:30PM.

For this trip, students should wear footwear suitable to to hike a short distance (~½ mile) and outdoor clothing suitable for extended time outside in cold weather. Students will need a water bottle and a bagged lunch.

There is no cost to families for this trip. Please sign and return the permission slip as soon as possible.

If you are interested in helping chaperone this trip, please contact Mr. Caswell.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Pie Sale - Fundraising Opportunity

We are making and selling pies to help benefit the 8th grade trip. We are selling apple and pumpkin pies for $14 each. For each pie a student sells, $10 will go into his or her Boston account. Orders with payment are due by November 14th. Order forms are available from house teachers. Pies will be ready to be picked up on November 21st, from 2:30 - 3:30.

Students can also earn $15 towards their account by helping make pies, box pies, and distribute pies. We will be baking pies on November 18th and November 19th. On each day we will need 10 students starting at 2:30.  On November 21st, we will need 5 students to help distribute pies from 2:30 - 3:30.

Eighth graders will have first opportunity to sign up to make and distribute pies. There will be a sign-up sheet outside Mr. Smith's office. Eighth graders will be able to sign up on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. After Wednesday, all other students can sign up if space is available.

We will be looking for a couple of parents to come in and help on the November 18th and 19th. Please let Mr. Smith know if you are available.