Friday, January 18, 2013

House C Grade 6 Math Homework

January 18, 2013

We have begun our geometry unit. We are currently exploring the area and perimeter of geometric figures. 

Homework this week is: 
Covering and Surrounding pages 10-17 ACE Problems 1-23, 33-35 and then students may choose one problem from 24-27.  Students should spend about 20 minutes a night on math homework.  If they exceed this time please note this on the cover sheet that went home with the homework. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Grade 6 Math--Happy New Year!

     Students have been working on multiplying and dividing whole numbers, fractions and mixed numbers.  Students will have an assessment on these concepts Wednesday January 9, 2013.  Next week we will be moving on to explore the concepts of 2-dimensional, and 3-dimensional geometry, area, perimeter, surface area and volume. Homework until January 10, 2013 will be assigned daily and will include only work not completed in class.