The Last Prompt of July! I'm going to write my response to this prompt and post it tomorrow. I'd be interested to see what anyone else comes up with. Feel free to post your writing as a comment.
And again: the idea is not to create the best writing ever, but to create some writing.
Today's prompt: You have seven minutes to tell everyone in the United States anything that you'd like. What do you tell us? What would you show us? What would you want to happen after you were done talking to us?
Two people knock on your door and call you by a name that is not yours. You pull out your wallet to show them your identification and it says...the two people are right. That is your name. What do you do? What happened? WHO ARE YOU?
Two people knock on your door and call you by a name that is not yours. You pull out your wallet to show them your identification and it says...the two people are right. That is your name. What do you do? What happened? WHO ARE YOU?
Write whatever you'd like.
And remember...have fun!
Write whatever you'd like.
And remember...have fun!