Friday, November 6, 2015

Pie Fundraiser

Dear Families,

Take some of the stress out of Thanksgiving and let Milton Middle School bake an Apple or Pumpkin Pie for you this Thanksgiving. Pies are $15 and when you order from your child, $9.00 of it goes to his/her fundraising account. Your child can even sell more pies to friends and relatives and earn even more money for Boston. Pie order forms can be picked up from one of your child’s house teachers or in the front office.

Please note: All middle school students can sell pies and start earning money for their field trip account. Even though 8th grade may be a couple of years away, it is wise to start fundraising the $350 need for this trip now. Students should aim to raise $100 each year.

If your child is in 8th grade, they can help bake the pies and they will split the total of $4.00 times the number of pies we make. Therefore the more pies we sell, the more money your child can earn towards Boston. We will be baking pies after school on November 17th and 18th. We will need ten students for each day. Students can sign up for one of these days outside of Mr. Smith’s door beginning on Wednesday, November 4th.

If you have any questions, please contact Joe Smith at 893-5529.


Joe Smith
House A - Consulting Teacher
Boston Coordinator
Milton Town School District Radio
(802) 893-5529

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