We hope the summer is treating you well and that you're enjoying every bit of it! As July is coming to a close, we thought it would be a good time to check in and make sure that everyone is making progress through our summer reading book, No Summit out of Sight. For those of you who have not yet started, or for anyone who is interested in refreshing their memories, we're going to start a No Summit book group right here!

Below, you'll find a reading schedule for the entire book. If you follow this plan, you will have the book read before we start school (in exactly one month!). At this pace, you'll read no more than 15 pages a day. Each Sunday, I will create a blog post sharing reactions or reflections on what we've read and inviting you to do the same! You can also use that place to post questions you might have about the reading or questions that you think might engage others!
Do I have to post to the blog?!?!
Nope! If you just want to follow along with this timeline, that's fine, too!
Or if you've already finished the book, terrific!
Or if you want to read the book all in one week, coolio!
The only requirement is that you've read the book before school begins.
Okay, Smart Guy, where is this schedule?!?!
By August 3, read to page 107 (Mount Kiliminjaro, Kosciuszko and Elbrus).
Average daily page count: 15 - the steepest part of our climb.
By August 10, read to page 199 (Mount Aconcagua and Denali).
Average daily page count: 13 - easing up a little, but still making good progress.
By August 17, read to page 278 (Carstensz Pyramid and Mount Everest (pt. 1)).
Average daily page count: 11 - a smaller page count so people can catch up, should they need.
By August 24, read to page 355 (Mount Everest (pt. 2) and Vinson).
Average daily page count: 11 - finishing at a nice, easy pace.
Happy reading! And I'll meet you back here after we've climbed Mount Elbrus!