Monday, October 28, 2013

Grade 6 and 7 Homework October 28, 2013

Homework this week for grade 6 and grade 7 is to spend one hour between now and Friday on Khan Academy.  Both groups are currently studying fractions and this should be students focus while on Khan Academy.  There are instructional videos and practice problems.  Students should log in using their accounts.  If you have difficulty logging in please notify Ms. Thibault-Cote or Mr. Caswell.  We will be checking your student progress throughout the week.  If you still can not get on using your account please keep track of your time and have a parent sign off on it.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Portfolio Conferences November 12 & 13

Dear Families,

How time flies! We're well into the eighth week of the school year and it is already time for our first round of Student Portfolio Conferences. Children benefit greatly from having meaningful conversations about their learning with important adults in their lives. To that end, we invite you to a Portfolio Conference, where your child will present to you artifacts of his or her learning - work from each class that he or she has thoughtfully selected to demonstrate learning and growth. Any caring adult is welcome - parents, adult siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors. Conferences will take place in the Middle/Elementary School Library.

These conferences are important to your child, and represent many hours of hard work. The portfolio process helps students build life-long skills including: organization skills, self-evaluative skills, and communication skills. Most importantly, the portfolio process helps your child take more ownership of his or her learning and be more accountable for his or her academic progress. Thank you for the important role you play in this process!

Please visit to indicate your preferred conference time. If no adult is able to attend at one of the times offered, we will gladly make arrangements for you to conference with your child at another time.

We look forward to seeing you!

The Teachers of House C

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Progress Reports

Dear Families,
By now, your child should have presented you with three progress reports: math, science, and humanities. We gave all of our students progress reports to bring home at the end of last week, and any missed last week were given out on Monday. As always, don't hesitate to contact a teacher should you have any questions about your child's progress.
The Teachers of House C