Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome to a new school year!

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year at Milton Middle School! We are eager and excited to begin our work together! Our learning community on House C consists of 90 students in grades six, seven and eight. The teachers of House C are: Mr. Caswell and Mrs. Thibault-Cote (Maths and Science); Mr. Dabritz, Ms. Fabri, and Ms. Page (Humanities); and Mrs. Smith (Consulting Teacher).

This year, our focus in Humanities will be on developing our literacy skills through the lens of U.S. and World History. We will examine literature and other media to explore moments in our country's history as well as creation and origin myths worldwide, so that students will come to see that history is a living, breathing, dynamic set of different perspectives and stories that contribute to our overall understanding of the current state of our country and the global community.

In Science, students will hone their inquiry skills as they answer questions and test predictions about living organisms and ecosystems.

Students will further develop their abstract and quantitative reasoning as they become skilled mathematicians in using fractions, decimals, percents, proportionality, negative numbers, equations, linear functions, the geometry of three-dimensional shapes, the Pythagorean Theorem, and more!

House C Blog
Our primary mode of team-home communication will be through our this blog, where we will post all manner of information about student learning, assignments, and announcements. Please bookmark this URL in your web browser and visit often for daily updates during the school year:

Meet and Greet
As a new team, we think it’s important to spend some time getting to know each other. To that end, we hope you will join us at the school in rooms 214 and 215 on Tuesday, August 27th from 5:00-6:30 for a “sweets and apps” potluck. Please bring a small number of your favorite dessert or appetizer to share. This is a great opportunity to chat with the teachers, preview your classrooms, and meet other families on House C.

Binders You will store and organize your paperwork in a three-ring binder. If you wish to keep everything in one place, you will need a larger (2” to 3”) binder. If you prefer to keep separate binders for each subject, you will need up to three smaller (1” to 1½”) binders. You will also need a separate 2” binder for your portfolio.

Get several packs of three-ring lined paper. You’ll be surprised how quickly this is used up!

Two packs of five tabbed dividers.

Being prepared for class with a pencil is a must. Don’t be caught without one!

A simple handheld pencil sharpener.

Two or three different colors.

Dry Erase Markers
For math class.

Composition Book
College ruled, for humanities class.

Light Folders with prongs
Two for 6th grade math only.

For materials such as paper, pencils, and markers, we suggest that you send a limited amount at the beginning of the year and keep a reserve at home for when these supplies run low throughout the year.

We look forward to learning and playing together over the next 10 months. In the meantime, be in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

Enjoy the remainder of your summer and we’ll see you soon!


Nathan Caswell
Charles Dabritz
Jana Fabri
Ericka Page
Megan Smith
Catherine Thibault-Cote