Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Health Policy Reminder

Here's a note from the health office:

Dear Parents and Guardians,

There have been a large number of school absences due to illness and a large number of students being sent home due to fevers the past couple of weeks. As we think about ways to minimize the spread of these illnesses, we want to remind families of our school health policies, the relavant parts are printed below:



It is the goal of the Milton Town School District to keep our entire

school population as healthy as possible. We thus implement this student health policy, with the

guidance of the Vermont Department of Education and Vermont Department of Health.

Illness/Communicable Conditions

Students with a known communicable condition (such as, but not limited to

strep throat and conjunctivitis/pink eye) are to remain out of school until they have

received antibiotic therapy for 24 hours. Students who have a fever of 100

degrees or more are required to remain home from school until their

temperature is less than 100 degrees for 24 hours, without ibuprofen or 

acetaminophen. Recommendations of the Vermont Department of Health will be


If a student comes to school and is suspected of having a communicable

condition, the student shall be sent to the health office, where the

school nurse will determine the need for the student to be sent home. If a

student is sent home for a communicable illness, the health office staff

(school nurse) will work with the family to provide guidance for when the

student can return to school. This is generally after 24 hours of

antibiotic therapy, or 24 hours after symptoms resolve. In cases where a

student has had severe vomiting or diarrhea, we require that students not

return until their symptoms have been resolved for 24 hours and they are

able to resume normal dietary habits. In cases where there are attendance

issues, the school will work with the family to make a plan, possibly

requiring that the student be evaluated by the school nurse before

deciding if the student requires an additional absence.

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