Friday, March 22, 2013

School Updates

Hi folks,

Here are some current announcements:

-Thanks to all those students and families who contributed to making last night's spaghetti dinner a successful fundraiser.
-Barring any technical glitches, report cards for the 2nd trimester are being printed and mailed today.
-Round one of conferences went well and we look forward to meeting with many more of you next Tuesday. If you've yet to sign up for a conference, there are still slots available on Tuesday 3/26 from 4:00-7:00pm, or we could make arrangements for your child to conference with you at a more convenient time, if needed. Please use this link to sign up.
-The Book Fair will be next week, M-Th from 8:00am-8:00pm and F from 8:00am-4:00pm in the MEMS library.
-The School Board and Dr. Barone have scheduled a Community Forum on the FY 14 Budget for April 2nd at 7:00pm in the Library at Milton High School.  This will be an opportunity for community members to give input as to why the FY 14 Budget went down on March 5th and to give input/recommendations on how to move forward with another budget vote.
-From Paul Curtiss: "I wanted to let the district know that Milton will be hosting the Vermont Regional One Act Play festival this year on Saturday, March 23.  Six schools will be presenting their one act plays in a celebration of theatre.  There will be three sessions:  10:30 - 12:30, 2:00- 4:00, and 6:00 - 8:00.  Milton High School will be presenting the Tempest at 6:00 at night, however, I encourage you to come see more than one show.  Tickets are $6 per session and $15 for a festival pass. If you are unable to see the show Saturday, there will be a community show NEXT Wednesday, March 27 at 7:00 pm.  We had to reschedule it from this evening (Wednesday, March 20) due to some complications with the cast and with the weather."
-Next Thursday, the 28th, students will have another opportunity to have school pictures taken. Forms have been given out to advisories. If students would like to order pictures, they just need to bring their envelopes & payment on picture day (3/28).  For those students who do not bring an order form and payment - If they have a picture taken, they will receive a proof (along with the delivery of picture packages) - and will then have one year to order online if they choose to.  Proofs do not need to be returned - And there are No retakes.

That should do it for now. Happy weekend!

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